This is one ad I want to steal.
It's witty and I'm a sucker for puns.
I don't know if this poster will be like the Chinese pole vaulter and red-shirt-wearing buddy of his in the Paris Olympics, Huang Bokai, and make EJ Obiena smile, but it's a nice way to make people happy.
So usually, people who go abroad are the ones who return with a pasalubong or a souvenir.
We all know what happened and everyone who stayed awake in the wee hours, all those who checked out his YouTube clips, and people who checked their social media pages, we feel his pain because we know that he really wanted to win the gold medal for himself and his people.
Maybe Goldilocks can give EJ something, like a 30-second TV spot, a 30-second radio spot, a billboard, a couple of leaderboards, skyscrapers, and square online banners, or a year-long supply of treats while eating pole-voron or whatever microwaveable they want to present to the public.
They must bring back their flavored popcorn!