This was awesome.
I just saw episode 9 of The Bloody Game S3 and Yurisa and Jang Dong Min must never be in the same room as Hong Jin Ho again.
Again, it has been a decade since this.
Now, I can't say it's been downhill from there, but his plays aren't as legendary as they once were.
Especially in an environment like Bloody Game, where the rules are meant to be broken, and even more terrible as in The Genius because there is also social standing involved, Jin Ho was like a punching bag for Dong Min and Yurisa.
Hell, Chungju Man even got something from HJH.
Steve Yea was vocal about Yurisa, and Dong Min had it right when he said that Yurisa's play shouldn't have worked. However, since she went to gullible Jin Ho, Yurisa got a free pass.
Even Xitsuh, one of Jin Ho's allies in the second season, had fallen into this trap. He has trusted Yurisa far too many times and it's not even funny anymore. Both guys got something bad from Dex, while Yurisa got something from Park Ji Min.
The thing about Yurisa's gameplay though is that it's not a winning strategy. Heo Seung Beom messed up Yurisa when he exposed her. Again, this move was a boss one if she just wanted to flex her MVP gameplay.
But Yurisa is Yurisa. The fact that she's not sorry for what she did means that she's contented with the plays she has made. She made Hong Jin Ho, one of the most popular survivor show contestants fall into her trap, Xitsuh, an accomplished survivor show star in his own right, and Steve Yea, a poker player whose job is to know a bluff is insane. Yurisa muted a note that they were all banking on. She also went into enemy territory to get their trust in an instant.
Even Team Paradise was already in a bad light when they ditched their earlier plan to conceal information among members. Because of Dong Min, Hye Seon's teammates saw her as a spy when it was just a coordinated social attack from Team Remaining. And the thing about this game is that Team Paradise could have used her more since she wanted to be an active member.
Also, I think Dong Min saw that the opposing team are dumbasses. I don't get why they are sending Dong Min out with extra votes. Even if they wanted him out, what good would come out of them using their own money to punish the opposing member against a player who hasn't been associated with them?
Anyway, sending Dong Min to the deathmatch gave an additional pull. The thing about him is that he wants to be treated like a boss, and wins like these would give him that authority.
As for Jin Ho, I wonder how long will he last as a lovable nice guy. The only reason why he won Genius S1 is because he played it without Dong Min.
And Yurisa? Can she still pull things from her bag of tricks, knowing that her enemies as well as her teammates know about her awesomeness? In Season 2, she was seen as the soloistic wildcard. It was evident that she would rather survive in prison than join her teammates in Remaining. Of all the people in the game, she needs to be on Dong Min's good side the most, or else it will end in her elimination.