Back when Pizza Hut pizzas were greasy as hell, they introduced this monstrosity to the public.
I know Pizza Hut had great innovations through the years. Remember when they pimped the hell out of those Land Before Time plastic puppets? How about their cheese and meat stuffed crust pizzas? If my memory serves me correctly, they were the ones who first introduced the Buy One, Take One promo deals as well as the Pinaka card.
Pizza Hut did a lot of good things.
Except for this.
In around 2010 and 2011, Pizza Hut introduced the Lechon Pizza. Why separate a Noche Buena classic from their brand of food trip, right?
The thing about Lechon is that I don't really like Lechon. I don't really hate it but if there are other things on the table like rice or other things non-edible, I might check the Lechon out.
Preference aside, it's the idea of mixing Lechon with pizza. I mix a lot of things. I most recently combined leftover dinuguan with spicy Korean noodles and I found it surprisingly good.
But the sourness of Lechon sarsa is nuts!
But Lechon alone is bland so you need to put sarsa!
But what about the unruly combo that is Lechon, its sauce, tomato sauce, cheese, and Pizza Hut's greasy crusts?
Why most I submit myself to this shitshow?!?
To be fair, it's still edible. If Vince and Patricia Hizon, as seen in the TVC, like Lechon Pizza to the point of them becoming image models of it, then who am I to judge. Again, I mixed dinuguan with spicy Korean noodles! But it's a concoction meant to be made in a lab than in a kitchen. Maybe other people like this but I just don't like my pizzas sour. With that said, it was an experience that needs to be a one-time thing. Pizza Hut's crusts has improved drastically and I have since been a fan of Bacon Cheeseburger, Bacon Supreme, Carbonara Supreme, and of course, Meatlovers Pizza and Super Supreme. If they are, for some reason, going to bring this back, they need to work on its oilyness and the fact that it's really hard to comprehend when Mang Tomas is in someone's pizza.