Kamikazee is definitely in my Top 8 OPM bands of all time.
The top 3 will always be Eraserheads, Rivermaya, and Parokya ni Edgar.
Numbers four to seven though...
At the moment, Kamikazee and Itchyworms are ahead of Sugarfree, Wolfgang, and True Faith. It has been years since I really spammed on some of these bands.
I just remembered The Apo Hiking Society, Gary Valenciano, and Francis Magalona.
Anyway, Narda has always been a favorite. I like the original version, the acoustic version, various live versions, the one with the new band members, and now, this 2024 visit to Tower Sessions.
The thing about Jay Contreras is that while he is shouty, his voice has range. In some ways, he is the Bamboo to Chito Miranda's Rico Blanco.
At first, though, I dreaded this Narda take because the new members were missing. It's awesome though they can just have these sessions where the original band members are featured. I don't know much about their rosters but this was the "feels" I heard during college.