Here's a brand integration I didn't know would be cool.
Do you know the BT21 characters? I don't know the backstory of these creatures but it was said that the actual BTS members designed them.
Well, they are now in Brawl Stars as skins.
If there are BTS fans that are also playing Brawl Stars, then this is for you.
You need to pay with gems though. If you don't have gems, then you need to get your credit card and get gems if that's going to please you. Personally, I would rather pay for Brawl Pass than skins but hey, what's stopping you from enjoying this?
Of all the Brawler skins, Tick Shooky and Bull Mang looked the best. I don't like playing Tick because I play Brawl Stars on BlueStacks but because BTS has a Dynamite song, Shooky exploding on a brawler makes sense.
Which reminds me - they should have made one for Dynamike.
For Bull Mang, I just love the aesthetics. Most of Bull's skins look strong and fierce so can you imagine a cute horse rampaging on a random character?
I guess if I am going to sacrifice my gems to buy one character's skin, I guess Sandy Koya or Bull Mang are the brawlers in my peripheral. I can handle Bull but I can use Sandy's skills better. Edgar Tata can be a distant third for me - but I haven't really upgraded my Edgar yet.
Plus, most of the other characters here are either support or melee.